The origins of torrone are hotly contested, but according to The Florentine, there are a few theories. It is said that this unique nougat was first served at the wedding banquet of Tuscan-born mercenary Francesco Sforza and Bianca Maria Visconti on October 2, 1441. Some sources suggest it may have even older roots, when the Romans learnt of it from the Samnites during the years of the wars between them in the third and second centuries BCE. Another school of thought is that Arabs brought it with them to Southern Italy, as one text notes Arab physician of Cordova, Abdul Mutarrif, praising the sweet called turron, made of honey, almonds, sugar and spices.
However it originated, Sweet Designs prepares it in the Italian tradition, as it is now served on Christmas Day – soft and chewy and enrobed in chocolate!