Our BEST DOG Contest Winner!

Why Luka is the best Dog Ever

When my owner rescued me from a shelter, I heard her say that she really wanted a dog to come home to again because she had grown up with dogs and missed them terribly.  She said that she has learned that dogs (and chocolate) help reduce stress.  

When my owner is not at home with me, she works at a hospital as a pediatric/neonatal intensive care nurse.  She often comes home crying after caring for babies who have hearts that may still be beating but brains that are no longer functioning.  She helps console parents who yell and scream and cry when loved ones pass.  

My owner constantly tells me how much she loves the little tap dances that I do when I welcome her home after one of her shifts.   She loves telling me all the ups and downs of being an ICU nurse and I love listening.  I live to make her smile!  I do tricks to help her get her mind off of the tragedies that she has witnessed while working.  I give her kisses and go on long runs with her to help her release endorphins, which make her happy.

My owner is very selfless and ALWAYS giving so much to others. I am writing this because I know she LOVES Sweet Design Chocolates and loves pictures of me.  I would love to give a little something to her.  Here is a picture that she took of me. 

Thank you,



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